Rory was an exceptional, inspirational young man. He lived Life…saw Life down to the smallest detail and loved Life on this beautiful planet that is our home…he lived his Life by this...
`it begins with awareness and consciousness...it's your responsibility to respond to it in the way you choose...not following the herd, not following convention, it's your responsibility - that's the point - when no matter how many people tell you you're wrong or right, you're not dependant upon their approval. If we at least question our own actions, question our own thought processes and make a conscious decision to what we feel is right every single day...that is divinity and living life.’
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Rory had been offered a place on the 3-D Design course at the University of Falmouth. Whilst applying, he noted…
‘There are so many factors affecting the state of our planet in this 21st century with climate change, water shortages, deforestation and fossil fuel shortages, and I feel designers should always be looking for a sustainable option. I should like to be involved in helping to look for sustainable solutions in design and it strikes me that a three-dimensional design degree is a perfect start to designing a new sustainable future.’
Flick through a sample of his drawings and sketches, most of which he created at the age of thirteen.